Improving the Odds of Global Justice

Challenges of the Justice Worker and the Justice-Focused NPO
The challenges are substantial because the jus­tice worker or a new NPO focused on justice issues is not typically birthed out of larger well-established and well-funded churches or organi­zations. Therefore he or she not only lacks all of the regular economic, structural, and cultural sup­port of traditional missions, but the very support they need is already allocated to the older mis­sions model. Almost always this forces them out on their own, starting from scratch, underfunded, under-equipped, and sustained only by a heart to do justice and an entrepreneurial spirit. This gives place to a broad base of needs.

Issachar International Helps Implement Solutions and Systems
There is a significant number of individuals in the business world who, having achieved eco­nomic success, are now in pursuit of a life of sig­nificance. This quest has led them beyond writing checks into new arenas by taking their lifelong developed and God-blessed talents and skill sets and investing them in and through the lives of oth­ers, especially the younger generation.

Bridges Between the Business Community and Justice Workers
One of our goals is to build bridges between the justice community and our corporate relationships by providing contexts for friendship, counseling, mentoring and eventually funding or cooperative economic endeavors. Issachar International will be the overseer and administrator of all joint projects, thus providing relational as well as project accountability.
Where more direct involvement is desired; mentoring relationships or sponsorships could take on the following characteristics:
  • Building a history of understanding the justice worker’s values, history and vision via reading and interacting in the web arena. I feel this will be a great way for a business minded person to gain a candid bird’s eye view of the potential relationship.
  • Inviting justice workers to speak in their homes, churches, or at their marketplace meetings.
  • Providing a place for the justice worker to get some rest and recuperation. This could be in their home, vacation house or sponsoring a mini vacation.
  • On site visits to the worker’s projects in order to gain compassion and insight. This would provide an opportunity to offer advice and investigate the poten­tial of cooperative ventures.
  • Participating in the national and re­gional gatherings.

Successful Business People Use Direct Skill Sets to Contribute
Currently Issachar International is in an expansion phase looking to the future by beginning to net­work business mentors with justice workers to provide the following:

1. Leadership Development

  • Life coaching
  • Business mentoring
  • Management training and team building
  • Training and Graduate School

2. Administrative Support

  • Business plan consulting
  • Legal assistance
  • NPO/501(c) 3 compliance
  • Technical support

3. Funding and Fiscal Management

  • Grant writing
  • Budget
  • Sustainability models
  • Sponsor networking