Training and Education

Especially critical in the fight for justice is the need for change at the systemic level in institutions and policies that either ignore or promote oppression.

Issachar International is committed to supporting the education of individuals who are on the cutting edge of the intellectual and legal fronts of the justice movement. Becoming qualified to assume positions where one may leverage influence in the decisions of government and non-government entities is of key importance. Seeking higher education in order to gain the additional knowledge, credibility and access necessary to influence public policy on justice issues has tremendous strategic value.

Jennifer Hendrixson

Jennifer is pursuing a Master of Arts degree at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies as a representative of Divine Inheritance and their work in rescuing child soldiers. Her objective is to research the issues surrounding the exploitation of women and chil­dren and to leverage her access to policy makers and programs in the nation’s capital on their behalf.

For the next two years, Jennifer will be produc­ing research on the issues surrounding the use of children as soldiers in Southeast Asia and will be working to create replicable models for address­ing the needs of rescued child soldiers (aftercare). She will establish connections with government and non-government agencies in Washington, DC, for the purposes of fundraising and advo­cacy.

Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies is one of the world’s premier academic institutions for the study of international affairs and is the only school in the United States that has a regional focus on Southeast Asia.

Johns Hopkins has several of the world’s top ex­perts on Burma and an entire research institute devoted to the study of women’s and children’s rights with regard to human trafficking and la­bor exploitation. It is the perfect forum for shap­ing policy on the care of child soldiers. Jennifer is uniquely qualified for this type of education. She was a dual-major honors graduate with a 4.0 grade point average from the University of California, Davis. After working for 2 years in China, she served as Director of Operations for Divine Inheritance and is now starting a new nonprofit organization called the Child Soldier Rescue Alliance.

Issachar International is seeking funds to support Jennifer’s education. The cost of attendance at Johns Hopkins would ordinarily be prohibitive for a justice worker who has devoted years to the causes of the oppressed. Jennifer has earned a 50% scholarship but needs to raise an addi­tional $45,000 per year to cov­er the balance of tuition and living expens­es for her two years at Johns Hopkins.

Required Annual Investment:
(for each of the Next Two Years)
  • Tuition (Balance After 50% Scholarship) $20,000
  • Research (Travel and Supplies) $5,100
  • Living Expenses (Conservative Estimate) $16,000
  • Language Study (Thai/Burmese) $3,900
Yearly total: $45,000

Jennifer is a woman of supreme excellence and integrity who is a real world-changer. Your financial help and now will keep her on track and making steady progress in the forethought and implementation of justice solutions. See contact information below.