To raise awareness, Issachar International co-sponsored a Justice Fair at our local church. First, we surveyed all of the people who where involved in justice causes in our church. By starting with those we already knew and communicating with the congregation, we found 19 nonprofits represented in our congregation of approximately 900. Some of those individu-als or organizations were well established, while others were in the formative stages. We coached them on how to effectively present their cause and organization, then we invited the church to attend the Justice Fair.
Exposing church members to a variety of justice organizations raised their awareness of issues, gave them an opportunity to connect with organizations they wanted to support, and inspired them to pursue causes of their own. It also validated the justice workers, who can often feel overlooked and unsupported by their own churches because they don’t fall within traditional church missions nor their budget.
Exposing church members to a variety of justice organizations raised their awareness of issues, gave them an opportunity to connect with organizations they wanted to support, and inspired them to pursue causes of their own. It also validated the justice workers, who can often feel overlooked and unsupported by their own churches because they don’t fall within traditional church missions nor their budget.